Fiqh deals with the actions of the legally responsible person (mukallaf), being graded as definite obligations (fard), incumbent (wajib), prophetic example (sunnah), liked (mustaḥabb), permissible (mubah), slightly offensive (makruh tanzīhi), severely offensive (makruh taḥrīmi) and prohibited (haram). Fiqh also deals with rules surrounding actions, such as pre-conditions (shart), prevention (māni), concessions (rukhsah), endeavour ('azimah), as well as valid (ṣaḥih), corrupt (fāsid), void (bāțil), discharged at its time (adā'), delayed (qaḍā') and repetition (i'ādah).

Fiqh defines the daily life of the mukallaf according to the command of Allah, and so knowledge of His commands and prohibitions is necessary - at least in the fundamentals - and is an obligation on the mukallaf. The presence of the Beloved Messenger obviated the need for legal rulings, but after his death, it required scrupulous knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah which became increasingly difficult for the new generations of people embracing the din of Islam. There was no difficulty in Madinah as the first generations continued to observe the social pattern laid down by the Messenger among his Companions and the succeeding two generations, but with the spread of Islam to new areas such as Iraq, Egypt, etc., new situations arose that needed clear knowledge of the original sources to guide the communities when novel incidents faced these emerging Muslim societies. The men of knowledge of the din realised the need to maintain its integrity and worked hard to preserve and gather the sayings and practice of the Messenger wherever they could find it. Responsibility devolves with each succeeding generation to preserve our laws in word and spirit. This can only be done by continually striving to implement, maintain and purify the teaching that has come to us through impeccable sources.

In our course, we will cover the following topics and juristic rullings:

  • Ritual Purificatione
  • Ritual Prayer
  • Purifying Charity
  • Fasting
  • ︎Pilgrimage
  • ︎Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Oaths
  • Interest (Riba)